When it comes to the weapons that the Zionists of occupied Palestine (Israel) are willing to use against the Palestinian Ummah, there is nothing that is off-limits. The Zionists are willing to use overly cruel guns, like flechette guns, that fire a spread of darts and to wield checkpoints to kill brothers and sisters that lie in wait in the back of an ambulance. However, there is another weapon that is just as despicable to those of us who fight in the class jihad, and that is economic collectivism. The Zionists corrupt everything that they touch, and they have managed to use horizontal collective ownership as a tool to further seize land for their Fascist Jewish state. What I speak of is the kibbutz.
The kibbutz is a sort of socialist community where the means of production are socially held and decisions are made through direct participatory democracy. The Jewish Agency for Israel describes their main characteristics as, “life…established in adherence to collectivism in property alongside a cooperative character in the spheres of education, culture, and social life.”1 They are very reminiscent of the People’s Communes in China during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution or those of any Anarchist experiment of the past. The kibbutzim are very appealing in form but are repulsive in their application.
In a kibbutz, all income is shared in a common pool and distributed to each family equally according to size. In some variations, wages vary according to occupation, but each kibbutz member is guaranteed a minimum income like a universal basic income (UBI).2 In 2010, there were 270 kibbutzim. To any left wing person, this seems amazing. In Israel, there are successful “socialist” communes to the point where 40% of Israel’s agricultural output, and 9% on their industrial output, comes from them.3
With the kibbutz, just as with the “progressive” social democracies of Western Europe, the implementation of leftist thought was a tool to further state interests. After the founding of Israel, and the Nakba, in 1948, the kibbutz was used as a tool to construct a new Jewish Israeli identity by forcing many different ethnic types of Jews (like Ashkenazi or Mizrahi) to co-habitat. An Israeli or a Jew is not a homogenous ethnic group like that of a Korean or Georgian, but a willfully constructed identity of a settler-colonial state. Just like the white American identity, a settler-colonial state must create a new ethnicity to ensure clear racial hierarchy between the colonizers and the colonized. A state like the United States or Israel is a fabricated and falsified nation-state. They were created in another’s land in the name of specific economic interests, and since they do not represent a true liberal nationalist movement like those of the Italians in 1891 or the Chinese in 1912, they must create a fake identity to justify its existence. In Israel, this process was done through the kibbutz. The kibbutz allowed different ethnicities to be given equality with each other, and in doing so, helped to erase prejudices. In the kibbutz, an Ashkenazi and a Mizrahi were equals, and so they began to see each other as such. They began to be part of the same economic unit, working for the same economic goals, and working the same Jewish occupation of Palestinian land.
To further this point, in the 1950s and 1960s, many kibbutzim were in fact founded by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). These kibbutzim were placed on border territories with Palestinian controlled lands to act as a vanguard and buffer for the Zionist occupation and military conquest. Today, many kibbutzim produce the weapons for the IDF that blow the legs off of children.
If any Zionist “leftist” brings up the topic of the kibbutzim as a way to legitimize the Israeli state or bring nuance to the discussion, remember that the kibbutz is meant as a tool to garner support for Israel. There is nothing that props up the Israeli military and occupation that can be redeemed in the eyes of God-fearing folk and those who recognize the righteousness of the class jihad.